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By Rpf Gakwerere

Last year – 2017, during the Kagamist sham election in Rwanda. Double agent Kale Kayihura’s boy and personal aid, the shrewd but dangerous Abdalla Kitata of the boda boda 2010 was in Rwanda campaigning vigorously for criminal Paul Kagame.

From July 2017 to August 2027, he was assigned in the RPF mobilisation department as an advisor on street mobilisation, street political management and street behavioural understanding. The RPF thought his expertise because they were facing revolts among street vendors, due to regine policy of banning vendors from Kigali city.

The junta regime wouldn’t allow these pockets of mini revolts by Street vendors especially in election month, thus, seeking the advise of Abdalla Kitata of the boda boda 2010. During the sham presidential election in Rwanda, Abdalla Kitata was a campaign guru and loved within the system for his energy and vigour.

With Abdalla Kitata’s arrest on Friday morning, CMI and ISO boys are steadily closing on their biggest prize – double agent Kale Kayuhura.

Steps that CMI and ISO took to steadily neutralise Double agent Kale Kayihura.

1) Neutralising double agent Kale Kayihura’s lieutenants and arresting them.

2) Changed his protection units with SFC -presidetial guards leaning police officers.

3) Operational funds directly under his control, was stopped and allocated to ISO.

4) His business and political associates have been warned, especially the Buganda MPs who he overwhelmingly helped to win elections seats.

5) Allowed Gen Tumukunde to undermine and humiliate him in Public.

6) His civilian private aids are now being rounded up, with his boda boda 2010 franchise being dismantled and his trusted street campaigners being arrested by CMI boys.

7)….You may add what I forgot…

Just watch how CMI and ISO will move in against another organisation that was built by double agent Kale Kayihura, the crime preventers.

Will Blaise Kamugisha, the chief coordinator of crime preventers survive this sweeping that is engulfing his boss, double agent Kale Kayihura?

We continue watching, how patriotic Ugandans reclaim their country.


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