Test your knowledge on Rwanda please!

By David Himbara

Whose government – President Habyarimana’s or President Kagame’s – is being described by the World Bank in the following text?


“The government’s overall economic management, and especially its strong commitment to economic development, deserves credit for the accelerated growth…Among the recent development-oriented actions taken by the government are:

(i) an emphasis on developing physical infrastructure, especially transportation;

(ii) focus on identification and implementation of agricultural projects,

(iii) raising coffee producer prices to the highest in Africa;

(iv) the adoption of a comprehensive education reforms, with the objective of adapting education and training system to the country’s economic and social development needs;…

[and] improvement of living standards through better health care and basic social services…”

Again, my request is – whose government is being described here?

David Himbara's photo.David Himbara's photo.

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