By David Himbara

Rwanda is a mountain of lies. I read in The New Times the following employment claims quoting the NIS:

“The number of employed youth aged between 16 and 34 increased from 1,878,083 in 2002 to 2,483,399 in 2012.”

Now look statistics from same regime – Labour Market Information System (LMIS) in RDB.
Some 309,648 Rwandans were employed in the formal economy, out of 5.5million economically active population (15-65 year olds) in 2012. In other words, only 5.6% of 5.5million economically active population have formal employment. LMIS figures are somewhat more realistic because they are closer to the data on employees who pay into social security fund as required by law – these numbered less than 270,000 in 2012.

So where are the 5.1million that are not employed in formal economy?
1) they are rural subsistence peasants that make up the bulk of Rwanda’s poor earning less than a $1.25 – 64% of entire population;
2) urban-based poor in informal sector;
3) the army of unemployed in urban gettoes.




About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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