Is the “power sharing” the best political solution in Rwanda? Is it practically possible in actual political environment?

By René Claudel Mugenzi

Either or not Rwandans want it, the issue of ethnicity (Hutu-Tutsi) will not go away. Kagame regime has always boasted to have dealt with the issue by suppressing ethnicity in the identity card, which in the past, instrumentalised the ethnic cleavages. However, the analysis of the regime’s organisational structure, particularly in the army and the public services, tells you a different story.

Rwandans cannot avoid to talk about these issues, if not publicly, at least privately. Additionally, successive governments since the independence promised to unite Hutu and Tutsi but failed. Instead some officials inside those governments used their co-ethnic group for their own benefits.

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Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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