Is Kagame trying to reactivate his M23 in DRC?

Reports from Uganda indicate that Sultan Makenga “disappeared” from the M23 fighters’ camp in Uganda. General Sultan Makenga was the top M23 ” field commander” before the UN Brigade smoked M23 fighters out of DRC. Reports from DRC suggest that a group of fighters/rebels has attacked DRC troops around Sarebwa forest, a thick tropical forest, along DRC/Uganda border.

Uganda refused to surrender Sultan Makenga and other M23 fighters for repatriation to DRC. Rwanda, like Uganda, did not repatriate the alleged M23 fighters that fled to Rwanda after a UN Brigade bombed all M23 bases in DRC. The DRC government claims that M23 were Museveni and Kagame special forces/troops the two presidents sent to DRC to terrorize and plunder the country. Museveni and Kagame insist that M23 fighters were DRC nationals.

How could Gen. Sultan Makenga have disappeared from Uganda without Uganda government involvement? Is Museveni of Uganda playing games? Are these fighuse/rebels in Sarembwa a joint venture for Kagame and Museveni? Is Kagame trying to establish an M23 base in DRC so he can use that base to destabilize and plunder both DRC and Burundi? If this is Kagame’s plan, is it an attainable venture given the complex regional political dynamics ?

By Charles Kambanda

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