Rwandan Comedy – How Did David Himbara, the Guide To Sleeping In Airports, And Kigali International Airport Make It Into The Pages Of The New Times?

So, how did David Himbara and the web-based Guide to Sleeping in Airports make it into the pages of The New Times?

It all began when The New Times published its article “Kigali International Airport ranked second-best in Africa” on February 10, 2017. In the story, the newspaper told its readers the following:

“KIGALI International Airport has been ranked second-best airport in Africa and best in East Africa by a reputable Canadian travel and hospitality firm, Sleeping Airports.”

Then the readers of The New Times celebrated the ranking of the Kigali International Airport – and more. They trashed Himbara as a useless Kigarasha for being critical of their beloved regime, anticipating that I might challenge the ranking. 

Donna celebrated the ranking and then accused me of twisting things:

“This is very good news for us, and I would like to thank Sleeping Airports Firm for saying things the way they are. The haters….. likes of Himbara will try to find some other way of twisting it to tell their readers that Sleeping Airports have been bribed to brand the Kigali International Airport…To haters I say however much you write negatively about Rwanda, you will always be proven wrong…” FULL STORY

By David Himbara

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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