The back of all evils within the Ugandan police force has to stop with criminal and double agent Kale Kayihura.

By Rpf Gakwerere

When a foreign nation through their commandeered Congolese rebels assassinated Major Reuben Ikondere in November 1999; the Ugandan Government kept quiet yet they knew the foreign orchestrator. When Col. Sula Senkooto Semakula was assassinated through poison in 2005, the Ugandan government kept quiet yet they knew the foreign orchestrator. When Brigadier Noble Mayombo was assassinated through poison in 2007, the Ugandan government kept quiet yet they knew the chief orchestrator. During Gen Mayombo’s burial, president Museveni noted that, “our cadres are being eliminated by enemies in the region.”

When Major General James Kazini was assassinated in 2009, the Ugandan government kept quiet yet they knew the foreign orchestrator……………after years of accepting evil interferences from this HOSTILE foreign nation, now, Uganda is countering against this hostile nation which is ruled by a prolific serial killer.

Today, we woke up to photos of criminal Kale Kayihura’s blue eyed boys being paraded to the court martial accused with acts of criminality which include robbery, murder, espionage on behalf of Rwanda and kidnapping – forceful repatriation of refugees to Rwanda.

However, these senior police commanders’ wouldn’t have acted on their own without the approval of Kale Kayihura, especially in espionage and supporting intelligence personnel from a hostile country. The back of all evils within the police force has to stop with criminal and double agent Kale Kayihura.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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