Kagame is using AU Chairmanship to sanitize his name

Nothing bad like being ruled by a delusional blood thirst and a semi-illiterate dictator. Rwanda is being ruled by a selfish criminal who doesn’t give a single damn about the citizens.

In early December of last year, I told close friends how Rwanda’s criminal ruler is paying thousands of dollars to different lobbying firms in America to try and fix him to meet president Donald Trump.

In his love for imaging and photo opportunities, since becoming the AU chair, he also instructed the AU’s communication – public relations department to drive towards helping him meet president Donald Trump.

And yesterday, 26th/01/18, he finally got his wish by meeting Donald Trump for 30 minutes during the Davos conference. This meeting has come at a heavy cost for Rwandan tax payers. This is a country that has no single cancer scanner while the criminal ruler is operating like a king from a petroleum producing country.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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