In 2012, that is when a young man by the name of Yves joined the National Intelligence & Security Service (NISS) after being recruited due to his IT expertise. Yves was born and raised in Rwanda, he is a sobecya, a term referred to those born and raised in Rwanda. His father and siblings were killed during the 1994 tutsi genocide in Rwanda, Yves survived with his mother, thus being the only person who took care of his mother. In NISS, he was hired as an IT expert.

In 2013, criminal Paul Kagame transferred from DMI Brig. Gen Fred Muziraguharara from DMI to become the director general responsible for finance and administration in NISS, by then, he was still a colonel. As director general responsible for finance and administration, Col (now Brig. Gen) Fred Muziraguharara worked closely with the IT department especially for technological – information gathering.

At the end of December 2014, personal laptop of col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara was corrupted and he needed the laptop to be repaired by an IT personnel within NISS especially due to sensitive materials held in the laptop server. Col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara requested for young Yves and handed him the laptop for repair, mainly to recover the sensitive files.

After handing the laptop for repair, the following day, Brig Gen Fred Muziraguharara remembered that among the files, there was an exceptionally sensitive file he did not want anyone to know or see; the file contained the plan on how Col Patrick Karegeya was assassinated and attached with photos of his lifeless body in a Hotel room. After remembering of this file, Fred Muziraguharara panicked, but wasn’t sure if Yves has seen and read this particular file. And if seen the file, whether he has shared the file or the information with someone else or privately safe the file.

After being handed back his personal laptop, a worried Col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara didn’t ask IT expert Yves about anything in relation to the sensitive file. Instead Col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara did what Rwanda’s intelligence services do best; the art of setting a pretty girl on a target for information gathering and elimination in case the target is a hindrance to regime survival.

In this case, Col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara recruited a young girl called Claudine and she was briefed on the assignment. The girl was a friend to Yves and a work colleague at NISS. Claudine also had a boyfriend by the names of Hubert Kayinamura who was also an NISS operative.

Once the plan was set, Claudine started to make advances towards Yves and she pushed until they started dating. An angry and jealous Hubert Kayinamura started intimidating – threatening the couple until when he was called in Col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara’s office for a briefing. Col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara explained to Hubert Kayinamura that Claudine was on undercover mission and the target was Yves. Fred Muziraguharara told the jealous Hubert Kayinamura that Claudine will come back to him once the mission is done, and they can continue with their love. Fred Muziraguharara also noted to Hubert, that Claudine had no authority to brief him about the mission and that is why she left him without clear explanation. Hubert Kayinamura was instructed to fall back and give a blessing to this relationship.

The couple dated, Yves enjoyed the goods of Claudine. They had good times as Yves was shown what he assumed to be love, as the slay queen was on mission. They relentlessly ate each other as other workers within NISS appreciated at how these love birds candled together within a short period.

As love and trust reached a climax, Claudine manged to get all the detailed information from Yves. She was able to know that Yves saw the confidential file on the assassination of Col Patrick Karegeya and all its contents. She was also able to establish that Yves didn’t share the information with anyone or privately safe the file.

After reporting – presenting her findings to Col (now Brig Gen) Fred Muziraguharara, few weeks later, Yves was assassinated through strangulation and his lifeless body taken in his car and dumped in Mutara. His dead body was found in his car by peasants in Mutara.

Within the junta system, knowing too much information is a crime. Throughout his rule, criminal Paul Kagame has eliminated several intelligence officers – operatives for knowing too much information especially about regime crimes. On this fateful day of 2015, it was time for Yves to be eliminated.

After the assassination of Yves, Hubert Kayinamura welcomed back his girlfriend Claudine who had accomplished a heinous crime. These two assassins later got married to each other, and they were awarded the postion of first secretary in Hague/Den Haag – Holland.

Since 2015, Yves’ mother has been mourning the loss of her only son, the only carer and now she is totally helpless in Rwanda’s economic tough climate.

As I always note, this is a SATANIC system that constantly feeds on blood of innocent people. It is a SATANIC system that has no boundaries, able to even eat their own children.


By Gakwerere Rpf

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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