According to my source within DMI, the enclave’s foreign minister, Richard Sezibera was given the same type of poison that female DMI agents administered on late Brig Gen Noble Mayombo, the same poison that was administered on Dr Jack Bihozagara through a relative who used to take food to him while he was in prison, the same poison that DMI waitress agent administered on businessman Bertin Makuza, the same poison that J3 operatives under instructions from Gen James Kabarebe administered on Major Claude Kalisa alias Muzungu and Col Willy Bagabe, and the same type of poison that DMI operatives administered on Col Charles Ngoga’s drink. The list is long.

According to this DMI source, the elimination of Richard Sezibera would have been a quiet one, the information the source has, it’s Criminal Paul Kagame and his killing security agents had planned to lie to the public that Dr Richard Sezibera had died of heart attack, unfortunately, their evil plan failed to materialise as the information was leaked though after Dr Richard Sezibera had been poisoned.

Over the years, the satanic system has used poison as a tool to eliminate those they consider as undesirable, innocent Rwandans and foreigners have died at the hands of criminal Paul Kagame’s through cruel elimination mechanism of poisoning them, merely for holding views which are different from his satanic system.

By Gakwerere Rpf

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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