Prossy Boona urges her fellow women victims & activists, who lost their spouses, brothers & fathers through kidnap, murder & those serving unfair sentences in Rwanda to join her.

Hello there,my friends and followers,I hope that you’re doing well just like iam.

My write up today is going to be in response to so many people, castigating us,for celebrating the sanctioning of one of our four star General,but before I go there, I would like to say that this is the last time,I will talk about this topic,simply because when a man is down ,you don’t hit him for he is already in a weaker position and that’s my principal.

Responding to those who are calling us,un patriotic and none pan African for purportedly cheering up the Western powers as they are bullying us,through sanctions.

Let me first say this,that two years back,when we were trying to petition every one that we thought would help us,we failed to get one Ugandan official, be it a Parliamentarian to present out petition on the floor of Parliament and while all of them admitted of knowing, that Rwandan refugees were being kidnapped, killed and forceful repatriated by the Rwandan security agents in conjunction with our own police, but none was ready to stand with us,for fear of the wrath of the same sanctioned General.

I also remember sitting in a meeting with European Union officials and Ambassadors from various European countries, while waiting for this General, so we present our concerns with the state of human rights at that time in Uganda and same General refused to show up,despite having agreed earlier to this meeting.

I find it hypocritical therefore, that today when a day for reconning for this gentleman, that these same Ugandans that feared to stand with us on this issue, expect us,especially the victims of rights violations to not be happy and instead talk of being bullied by supper powers.

To those castigating me for this, I would like to say that human rights are universal,and as defenders of these rights,we soar above tribal ,ethnic and nationality lines and transcend our political inclinations.

Yet still,I for one,will never justify dehumanizing of humanity, whether done to my worst enemy and by own son,I would still condemn me it.

Lastly to those using the excuse that we activists use supper powers, to bully our own,hmm.
My simple response is that if Uganda can be bullied by our neighbor in the south west through infiltrating our own security system, use the Uganda police to kidnap, torture and illegally repatriate refugees and yet bully us into signing appeasement agreements with them,even when they are the ones that offended us and yet they are simply a small country equivalent to one of the districts in Uganda,plus a population of twelve million, just one third of ours and with a national budget of only three billion dollars,just like that of our security ministry,

Then why must we be offended by being bullied by a supper power and a development partner, like the USA? In conclusion therefore, iam appealing to all fellow women victims and activists,who lost their spouses, brothers and fathers through kidnap, murder and those serving unfair sentences in Rwanda,to reach out to me,because we are petitioning against this government to our friends the supper powers, so they can bully our tormentors some more.

We need two hundred signatures from all of you the victims, we have already secured seventy, so reach out to us all the concerned people and do the needful.

Will tell you the need for this petition next Sunday and against who and what in particular.

Till then cheers.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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