The assassination of Major Alex Shumba by the J3 Network.

By Rpf Gakwerere


The potato enclave is a country where everything is sorted by shedding blood of innocent people. The land were jealous, enmity, ambitions and hate are sorted through eliminations. Key to everything, the potato enclave is ruled by a brutal dictactor who runs affairs of the state through his paranoiac instincts rather than a clear head.

After understanding criminal Paul Kagame’s state of mind, this has helped his sly aids and goons to manipulate his psyche, and treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 mafia network are at the front of those who have manipulated a mentally sick person – dictactor Paul Kagame.

For those who don’t know, in Rwanda’s security circles, J3 is an acronym of James Kabarebe, Jack Nziza and James Musoni alliance; and Jeannette Kagame Gasana is an axis of this mafia network. This is an alliance made out of hell. I hope readers will not confuse G3 which is military acronym for training, operational requirements, combat development & tactical doctrine. J3 is a mafia system within the grand satanic system.

The assassination of Major Alex Shumba

In 2013, Rtd Maj Alex Shumba and Bosco Rusagara travelled to South Sudan for a business trip, and when they returned, they had secured a business deal with South Sudan’s ministry of disaster management to supply maize; and the deal was worth € 500000 with potential to grow.

This business deal was acquired at the time when Bosco Rusagara was gaining access to state house – Village Urugwiro and the president in particular, something that treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 mafia network weren’t happy about.

For years, J3 mafias including Jeannette Kagame Gasana had operated a defence web around criminal Paul Kagame, anyone that wanted to approach him had to be approved by J3 or Jeannette Kagame Gasana. Anyone outside their control that had unhindered access to criminal Paul Kagame was perceived as a threat to J3’s existence and they made sure that is crashed.

Death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza informed treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe about the business deal that Rtd Maj Alex Shumba and Bosco Rusagara had obtained in South Sudan. By this time, Maj Alex Shumba and Bosco Rusagara had hired ware houses to store maize from their suppliers, and they had started making deliveries to South Sudan. And the two were negotiating Maize supply deals with different institutions in South Sudan.

While Rtd Maj Alex Shumba and Bosco Rusagara were working hard to improve their lives and the Country’s economy, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his deputy in J3, death merchant Jack Nziza were planning how to destroy and grab this newly found business opportunity in South Sudan. One of their maize ware house was attacked by J3 operatives and destroyed the maize with acid liquid, the maize was being stored awaiting to be transported to South Sudan.

They didn’t not stop there, they had to destroy this partnership, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his J3 went for the weakest point, in this case it was Rtd Major Alex Shumba because of not having any link with criminal Paul Kagame. At that moment, they feared to move against Jean Bosco Rusagara because of his unhindered access to criminal Paul Kagame and Jean Bosco Rusagara’s wife was a deputy governor of Bank of Rwanda (BNR).

On 12 September 2013, after arriving from his usual business trip from South Sudan, Rtd Maj Alex Shumba was invited by Col Karakire for a drink and catch up chat. Col Karakire is a cousin to treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and a senior assassin in the J3 mafia network. Col Karakire has eliminated and betrayed lots of innocent Rwandans on behalf of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. Col Karakire is treacherous assassin – Gen James Kabarebe’s right hand man.

It was during this meeting that Col Karakire got an opportunity to poison Rtd Maj Alex Shumba, by the time Maj Alex Shumba arrived at home, he was bleeding from the nose, high body temperature and he was rushed to Roi faycal (King Faisal) Hospital were he died due to multi organ failures. He died at 16:00, 12th September 2013.

Jean Bosco Rusagara’s troubles with J3

After the assassination of his business partner, Major Alex Shumba, Jean Bosco Rusagara stopped his business operations in South Sudan selling his project to treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s business associates.

Instead, his new company, intra-speed shipping company was given operation injection funds by criminal Paul Kagame’s consortium company – crystal Ventures, thus making Jean Bosco Rusagara a worker of criminal Paul Kagame. Intra-speed shipping company is an extension of criminal Paul Kagame’s business interests.

John Bosco Rusagara thought by keeping low profile would reduce his troubles, but he was wrong. When your in treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s focus, he only rests when your buried.

When Brig Gen Frank Rusagara was arrested in August 2014, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe and his deputy, death merchant Maj Gen Jack Nziza, instructed John Bosco to distance himself from his relative Brig Gen Frank Rusagara. Jean Bosco Rusagara, the selfish coward wrote a letter denouncing his own blood, and this letter was published by all DMI owned and managed tabloids.

This year, 2019, while Jean Bosco Rusagara thought that everything between him and J3 mafia network was fine, he survived an assassination attempt on his life. The girl that was supposed to have poisoned him flicked out and didn’t proceed with the evil act. The girl managed to flee the country. The attempted assassination on his life will be a subject of another day.

N.B: you can follow me at – Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere page (Facebook page) or at my blog –

However, for those in the enclave – Rwanda, the blog was blocked by the junta regime, it can’t be accessed unless you are using a VPN.


About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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