Peace is not only a value that should govern international relations. Peace is also a human right of which all people, groups and peoples are holders: we all have the right to live in peace; We all have the right to a just, sustainable and lasting peace.

Peace is not just the absence of armed, internal or international conflicts. Peace is a much broader and more positive concept that encompasses the right to be educated in and for peace; the right to human security and to live in a safe and healthy environment; the right to development and a sustainable environment; the right to civil disobedience and conscientious objection to activities that pose threats against peace; the right to resistance against oppression of regimes that violate human rights; the right to demand from all States a general and complete disarmament; freedoms of thought, opinion, expression, conscience and religion; the right to shelter; the right to emigrate and participate in the public affairs of the State in which he resides; and the right to justice, to the truth and to the effective reparation that assists the victims of human rights violations. ( UNESCO).

This declaration must make noise in the ears of all Rwandans in the first instance, each one has in their hands the tools to end a dictatorship that day by day takes the lives of many, but apparently little we care what happens, there is no peace and security in Rwanda, nobody is sure even foreigners are in high danger, but we all remain silent as a mediocre people, with fear and frustrations that we do not have to bear, forgiveness implies forgetting and errors of our ancestors persecute us in every corner., if they were errors “every day those called to establish democracy and justice appear murdered and where are you? Where is the international community when the right to live in peace is violated? , in democracy, in freedom? We need do something !!!

By Sheyla Vanessa Hernández Paradis

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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