David Himbara’s Advice to Paul Kagame About His Problems with Uganda

By David Himbara

Kagame Is Desperately Waiting For Uganda’s Invitation For Talks – Somebody, Help Him.

General Paul Kagame’s New Times edition of October 17, 2019, revealed his desperation for talks with Uganda. In an article titled “Uganda-Rwanda ties: No word from Kampala as 30 days elapse,” the Kagame newspaper shared Rwanda’s anxiety as follows:

“When Rwandan and Ugandan officials met in Kigali last month on September 16, both parties agreed that a follow up meeting, to iron out the differences between both countries would happen 30 days later in Kampala, Uganda. Those 30 days, however, elapsed on Wednesday with Kigali not hearing from Kampala…Olivier Nduhungirehe, the Minister of State in charge of the East African Community, on Wednesday evening indicated that Kigali was still waiting to hear from Kampala. Nduhungirehe said: “Rwanda is waiting for an invitation by the Ugandan side for the said meeting.”

Dear General Kagame, let me help you as you deal with the desperate situation you brought on yourself by closing an international border. Instead of publicizing Uganda’s non-invitation, call the Ugandan ambassador to Rwanda and remind him of the pending meeting.

Alternatively, call your own ambassador to Uganda, General Frank Mugambage, and instruct him to inquire why the Ugandans are not inviting you.

A third option is to directly call the Ugandan minister for foreign affairs, Sam Kutesa, and remind him of the urgency of the meeting.

I repeat – stop publicizing your desperation in your newspaper. This makes you sound very weak.

Meanwhile, I wish you the best of luck.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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