Kagame, Listen To Adeline Rwigara Describe Your Relentless Terror Against Her Family

David Himbara

On November 11, 2019, Voice of America had an extraordinary interview with Adeline Rwigara. The interview was conducted by Venuste Nshimiyimana and translated from Kinyarwanda into English by Louis Rugambage. Below is the interview as translated by Rugambage. Special thanks to VOA and Rugambage.

Adeline: Issues in relation with our land, plots and all our property and as we voiced it, have been ongoing for a very long time, from even before when my husband was still alive. There’s one particular plot located close to our place near Payage in Kiyovu, they it seized it straight after his killing. It’s a large plot and one of many we had in Kiyovu and around it. They tried to seize all of them. The one in question today was snatched away straight after they murdered him.

Voice of America: Tell me about that plot in question, what happened?

Adeline: We went to court about it the same way we did with everything else and failed, but for that particular one we had a semblance of success until an official announcement came out stating that all plots that have been laying unbuilt for more than three months would be confiscated by the government. I’m told the announcement was aired on radio stations a couple of days ago. I was surprised when someone told me the plots referred to were Rwigara’s.

Voice of America: Apart from the person who broke the news to you that your plots were targeted, was there any activity by anybody … anybody who built on your land?

Adeline: I didn’t see anyone but I want to clarify that I’m just coming from there. I found assembled metal sheets and Kigali City Council workers were digging, ready to fence the plot. I asked them and they said: “We’re going to work overnight and we’ll be done by early morning.” There was even a police officer from Payage who tried to stop them and they told him not to because the order came from the President’s Office. I asked them whether they were aware the plot belonged to the Rwigara family and I introduced myself as Rwigara’s spouse. They responded that they know me but that they were just executing orders.

Voice of America: Do you mean people are going to spend the night building on your plot that in the morning it will be fenced, and the plot will be confiscated?

Adeline: Absolutely. There will be a fence with even advertising signs and the plot will have been confiscated. That’s actually the reason why they’ll be working overnight. And we won in court for that plot.

Voice of America: Now, Mrs Adeline Rwigara …

Adeline: Yes …

Voice of America: That country has leaders you could turn to. There’s no single authority you called to report the personal situation and that of your possessions including that plot you rightfully won ownership for in a courtroom? You have ownership rights on that plot, what stops you from asking authorities to intervene exactly as any citizen would do? If necessary even why wouldn’t you reach out to the president of the republic and ask him to make justice? I often see people doing it during meetings.

Adeline: The president of the republic is my direct neighbour. He passes that plot before entering his place, he passes the place where was located the building they’ve demolished. It was a hotel though they had denied it the right to start operating. It also had in it a prayer room and they stole everything that was in it while demolishing it. I’m now wondering how he gets to know what happens in Kibuye or Gisenyi if he has no knowledge of anything happening to his direct neighbour right close to his front yard?

Voice of America: That’s exactly what I meant. As you’re neighbours, what stops you from booking an appointment with him and ask him to intervene?

Adeline: (Laughing) – Listen, I think he’s the one orchestrating everything against us. You’d rather ask me at what stage I am reporting to God because he’s the only recourse Rwandans have, I’m not the only one.

Voice of America: I meant that if you make contact with justice services such as the Minister of Justice, you show him a copy of the judgement attesting of your right to the plot as evidence of the prejudice, I think you’d get justice. And if you don’t get it, only then it would be obvious you’re victim of injustice in violation of the Rwandan law.

Adeline: Maybe I can say that I’ll do that but before that they’ll have started building, they’ll have fenced, they’ll be fencing overnight. But there’s no justice!


About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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