Gen. Tumukunde is an agent of external forces, says ISO Director Kaka Bagyenda

Ensi Eno!!!!

Now Check Kaka claiming Tumukunde is an agent of External forces, lets not expose our weakness and arrogance here.

How can a head of Intelligence make such allegations with no proof against a person of a General? Some of us have chosen to shut up not because we don’t know what is happening but because we want to respect parties and let them sort their issues without dragging our country into messy situations.

What disturbs me is when Kaka comes out to make such reckless statements we are left to react on them.
Who hasn’t Kaka called an agent of Rwanda in all fellow security organs?
From what I reliably know Kaka was put in that place on recommendation of Tumukunde and Saleh for reasons known to many of us, I find it very unfortunate that the same person can call Tumukunde an agent of Rwanda.

Tumukunde of all people can’t work with Rwanda, he has no blood from Rwanda and has never been Kagame’s friend not for a second.

Kaka should look in his Organisation ISO, 50% of people around him are on Kagame’s payroll, the cleanup should be in ISO, I have not seen a institution supposed to provide intelligence focus so much on recording videos of fake suspects confessing, if they are suspects why can’t we have them in courts of law why are they on social media??

I challenge you to start a war of words and we see where this will end, if Tumukunde is guilty for any word doing let him be processed as the law requires but don’t malign him.

President Museveni needs to make serious changes in ISO before it’s too late, instead of ISO working with police and CMI they are busy fighting everyone using Lugambo, to Kaka everyone is Rwandan agent, his IT team is good at faking audios claiming they are tapped calling of Sabiiti, Kandiho, CK and others that actually spending sleepless nights to defend the country.

This intrigue in security is causing all this tension that is likely to taint the image of Uganda internationally, let us look at the Human rights Record of Rwanda as per Human Rights Watch findings? There is no different with that of Uganda thanks to people that don’t know how to manage situations.

To be continued…….


Where Credibility Matters

By Seruga Titus

The director of the Internal Security Organisation (ISO), Col (Rtd) Frank ‘Kaka’ Bagyenda on Sunday March 15 accused former Security minister Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde of posturing in his bid to challenge Yoweri Museveni for the country’s top seat come 2021.

Col Bagyenda in an interview said Lt Gen Tumukunde has no political base and he knows that he has no chance against Mr Museveni in the 2021 presidential elections.

“Tumukunde is posturing to tell everyone that he is above everyone else. That is blackmail.  That is how Tumukunde works. He even had an opportunity of campaigning for President Museveni but he failed. He was only moving around in choppers with money,” Kaka said.

Tumukunde was arrested last week on charges of treason.

Police spokesperson Fred Enanga said in a statement that Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde will face charges relating to his utterances in a series of radio and television interviews, calling for support from a neighbouring country in removing the current leadership with or without a ballot.

And Kaka believes that Tumukunde could be an agent of external forces.

“I am even tempted to think that some of these people are agents of external forces. They do not speak like patriots. Tumukunde is suffering from a bloated ego,” he adds.

Only last week, Gen Tumukunde was asked about Rwanda on NBS television, and he made comments that the police have indicated as a big part for his ongoing woes.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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