Kagame Should Wear A Mask In Cabinet Meetings. His Office Already Has High Death Rate.

Shockingly, General Paul Kagame holds cabinet meetings without a face mask, while his ministers wear face masks. Kagame’s foolishness can kill someone. In a meeting like this, everyone needs to guard against receiving or transmitting Covid19, the killer disease. Kagame should not risk another death in his office.

Five people died in Kagame’s office since 2003.

Kagame’s secretary Jeanne Kayirangwa died in 2003; Kagame’s assistant principal private secretary Hygette Rutera died in 2005; Kagame’s personal physician Emmanuel Gasakure died in 2015; Kagame’s director of finance Kalisa Mupende died in 2019.

Alexia Uwera Mupende, daughter to Alex Mupende, Kagame’s senior advisor died in 2019. That is a terribly high death rate for a single office. General Kagame, please wear a mask.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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