As the world continues to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic, Kagame continues to destroy poor people’s houses

Even with Coronavirus in full swing, some things never change. Some “normals” remain “normal”. As the world continues to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic, the government of Rwanda led by Paul kagame continues to destroy poor people’s houses, exposing them to homelessnes and the spread of Coronavirus.

Yesterday, in one of Kigali’s neighborhoods (Kigali is the largest city in the country), authorities showed up to destroy homes. At one of the homes, the husband was absent. So the police and other authorities ordered the wife to remove the family’s belongings from the house. Where to? your guess is as good as mine.

She was unable to remove all furniture by herself and as a result, authorities of the regime beat her severely and proceeded to destroy the home. This here is a picture of how the home looks now and the family is homeless. This ladies and gentlemen, is how Kagame and his RPF party treats Rwandan citizens. This is the “nomal” for ordinary Rwandans under that dictatorship.

This is the man who has the world fooled that he’s progressive leader and a panafrican. Not mention he once had the world fooled into believing that he stopped a genocide which he actually participated in. Thank goodness for technology and social media, this dictator’s destruction of millions of African lives is being displayed. THE WORLD MUST KNOW.

By Gatebuke Claude

As the world continues to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic, Kagame continues to destroy poor people’s houses

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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