Rwanda: Professor Karasira Aimable was fired because of his ideals on social and economic issues

RWA CWENDE, A NEW HIT BY KARASIRA AIMABLE. University of Rwanda lecturer and social – economic critic was on 14th August 2020 indefinitely suspended from his lecturing job due to always expressing himself, sometimes saying things that the bloodthirsty junta regime aren’t happy with. He was indefinitely suspended from a lecturing job that he had spent 14 years performing.

Aimable Karasira was indefinitely suspended not because of work performance or anything related to his work, but his ideals on social – economic issues. Under criminal Paul Kagame, freedom of speech and expression are alien entities banned at all cost. The satanic regime expects utopian thinking among its oppressed and enslaved citizens, all are auto tuned to praise one man – criminal Paul Kagame.

Under criminal Paul Kagame’s junta, all walks of life are controlled, when your deemed to be anti Kagame, everything around you is turned upside down. The satanic system starts by stripping your identity, confiscating all your Identity cards, bank accounts blocked, if you work in private or government sector, they make sure your indefinitely suspended from work and if your running personal business(es) or company, they will use Rwanda inland revenue to fail you with cases of being underpaying taxes and they need to be paid, and after paying the money they say you owe them, they will hike unimaginable taxes for you, and all this with a sole aim of failing you.

In this process of turning upside down the life of someone deemed to be anti Kagame, the satanic system will go for your properties if you have any, making a target to be destitute is an absolute aim. Then they will upgrade the hit with all forms of intimidation techniques, telling you where you need to go for repentance, who to approach for rehabilitation and if you still refuse, they move to key final stages, these are kidnapping, torture, incarceration and elimination.

Welcome to Criminal Paul Kagame’s kingdom, where a regime rules through the guidelines of human rights atrocities, where assassins are rewarded and betrayal is cherished.

By: Rpf Gakwerere

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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