Paul Rusesabagina another victim of the criminal regime in Rwanda. Will the West remain silent on these repeated crimes?

Paul Rusesabagina and Alexeï Nalvany, how can the West still audible? No words left to say, as I am bewildered over the silence of the West on repeated crimes of the Rwandan regime. I am strongly disoriented because nothing even economic interests cannot justify closing the eyes on chronic human rights violations. I am even more puzzled on the way western diplomacies consistently apply double standards policies, which makes their sermons meaningless.

The Rwandan regime arrests, incarcerates, tortures and kills its population and that in a total impunity. Since thirty years, these crimes have been documented, but all the reports remain dormant under the desks of the so-called world decision-makers. A striking example is the Mapping report on the crimes committed in DRC between 1993 and 2003, UN investigators concluded that human violations which are described in the report may be qualified as genocidal acts.

On several occasions, the barons of the Rwandan regime starting with the actual Head of state, pride themselves for having chased and killed political opponents in their exile. Among these killings, which they present as heroic acts, appear the cases of Seth Sendashonga, the former Minister of the interior who was killed in Nairobi (March 16th 1998) and Patrick Karegeya, the former chief of the external intelligence, who was killed strangled in his South African hotel room (January 1st 2014). Recently, on February 17th of this year, the popular songwriter Kizito Mihigo was killed at a police station in Kigali, his only crime was call for true reconciliation between Hutu and Tutsi. On the August 27, another heinous act took place with the kidnapping and later the imprisonment of Paul Rusesabagina, the savior of hundreds of lives during the genocide, who is also a critical opponent of the Rwandan regime.

When we see on one hand, the West being shocked and asking Russia for explanations on the poisoning of the Russian opponent (Alexei Navalny) and on the other hand, continues to frequent, support and empower the criminal regime in Rwanda, we are totally disoriented. In the case of Paul Rusesabagina, if the circumstances were not serious, we should be tempted to laugh when Kigali accuses him to be the head of a political party which has an armed branch. Even If such allegation was true, we would start by organizing the trial of the regime which took power by means of war. And as far as the West is concerned, in order to claim for credibility and audience it should be constant, unless we really say that black lives don’t matter!

Maurice Niwese

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