Questions that the media should ask Kagame about Paul Rusesabagina’s kidnap

CHICAGO – Sept. 28, 2020 – PRLog — Question Time for Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. While humanitarian and U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Paul Rusesabagina remains in a Kigali jail after being kidnapped by the Rwandan government and detained under false charges, the country’s authoritarian President Paul Kagame is reportedly traveling to New York City this week. Paul’s family, human rights organizations and the international community have questions that the media should ask Kagame:

•  Rwanda claimed that there was international cooperation to bring Paul to Rwanda, and one of your officials boasted to the media that both Belgium and the U.S. congratulated Rwanda on the operation that illegally brought Paul to Rwanda. How do you explain both the Belgian military intelligence and the CIA, which seldom comments, say that your assertion is not true?

•  You claim that Paul Rusesabagina came to Rwanda on his own, but also that the plot to get him to Rwanda worked “flawlessly.” Which is it? Was he lured there against his will?

•  Why was Paul detained and held bound for three days on his arrival?

•  You claim Paul will receive a fair trial. Why has Paul not been allowed to meet with the legal team that his family has secured? Why are the Rwandan people paying for his defense? How is a fair trial possible if he was brought to Rwanda illegally?

•  Why is Paul only being allowed access to the lawyers that your government chose for him? Why is your government preventing him from even being told that his family has other lawyers ready to go? The attorney who the family wants to represent him has been turned away multiple times, why?

•  Why won’t you allow the  Red Cross to visit and examine Paul in jail?

•  From looking at pictures, Paul Rusesabagina’s health has obviously been deteriorating. This is in keeping with other stories of terrible treatment of prisoners in Rwandan jails/prisons. What will you do to ensure Paul’s health? Will you allow an independent doctor approved by his family to visit Paul?

•  You flew to the U.S. via private charter service GainJet, the same company that illegally re-routed Paul’s scheduled flight out of Dubai to bring him to Rwanda. Who booked that flight? Who paid for that flight?

•  You claim that the FLN is a rebel group operating in the Congo and Burundi. The FLN claims that it is a self-defense organization to stop attacks against civilians in the Congo by the Rwandan government and rebel groups that you support. Which is true? Is there independent evidence to support your story that can be confirmed by independent observers?

By: Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation
Twitter: @freethehero (
Facebook: Free Paul  Rusesabagina (

Kitty Kurth

About Chris Kamo

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