Rwanda: Former Prime Minister’s Son Not Happy With His Father’s Illegal Detention

By Rene N. Du Bois

What happened yesterday is regrettable and confirms what I mentioned in one of my previous posts. In some of our countries the way judicial systems operate is really scandalous.

My father the former PM of Rwanda was arrested 3 months ago following a simple order of the President of Rwanda during a public speech addressed to the bureau politique of the ruling party on June 26 this year usurping duties of the Prosecutor general who subsequently implemented the President wishes and framed a criminal case after my father’s arrest by RIB.

After 3 months in detention my father was in Court again last week challenging the previous court decision that validated his extended provisional detention while the Law relating to criminal procedure provide that in principle a suspect remains free during investigation.

At the end of court proceedings last Friday the Judges indicated that their decision would be pronounced yesterday evening at 16h00.
Yesterday afternoon my father’s lawyers & our entire family have been waiting for the Court’s ruling but no announcement was communicated to them.

At around 7.00pm we were astonished to learn about the decision from a pro government online newspaper!!

It is unfortunate that many of us (Rwandans) chose to keep quiet or publicly support the evil in our country while we should be seriously concerned about long term consequences of ultra vires acts of a completely derailing regime!!!

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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