How Seif Bamporiki’s assasination was planned and executed

By Rutaburingoga Sulah Wakabirigi

Abdalah Seif BAMPORIKI, was shot dead in Nyanga, City Of Cape Town, at around 04 :30 PM on Sunday 21 February 2021. At his residence in Cape Town on Sunday 21 February 2021 in the afternoon, Seif Bamporiki, received a call from a customer who wanted to buy a bed from the pawn shop the deceased was running in Filipi.

The deceased responded to the request and rushed to his shop where he loaded the bed on his pick-up truck for delivery at the buyer’ s place of residence in Nyanga, approximately 2 kilometres away from the shop. Meanwhile, Mr. Bamporiki had asked a Rwandan friend to accompany him on the task.

The bed was loaded on the pick-up truck and upon arrival, at the buyer’s destination, the alleged buyer got off the pick-up truck, allegedly to go and pick up money to pay. He did not come back; instead two men came from the direction where the buyer had gone. They approached the pick-up and one of them pulled a shot gun and fired a fatal shot at Mr. Bamporiki.

His Rwandan friend run away for safety and to seek for help. The assassins then took Mr. Bamporiki’s body out of the pick-up and left the scene with the pick-up, its load and some personal belongings. While investigations are going on to determine the exact circumstances of Mr Bamporiki’ s assassination, the incident resembles assassinations that happened before, where the victims were lured by people they knew; but who fatally betrayed them to death.

In June 2010, General Kayumba Nyamwasa was shot at by the people who had been connived with his driver; he survived. On 31 December 2013, Col Patrick Karegeya was strangled in a well-planned operation in which his ‘friend’ Apolo Kiririsi Gafararanga played a primary role. These are two cases where criminals have been positively identified and linked to the Government in Rwanda by South African courts.

Mr. Paul Rusesabagina was abducted from Dubai having been lured by his friend directed by the Government of Rwanda as attested to by President Paul Kagame in his interview with CNN Richard Quest on 17/02/2021 in Rwanda.

The assassination of Mr. Seif A Bamporiki was executed in a similar modus operandi of luring the victim in a compromising and insecure environment for assassination. Higher authorities including President Paul Kagame in Rwanda have unapologetically boasted about their role in these assassinations and extraordinary renditions

Bamporiki, Ngeze, Nkunzurwanda, Karegeya

About Chris Kamo

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