When will Museveni stop playing the gentleman while Kagame provokes Uganda?

Kagame thinks Uganda can not react to his subversive tendencies. President Museveni has for long played the gentleman while a foreign force provokes our country. Many don’t believe a nation we once supported, this RPF group that our people died for can treat us as enemies. On many occasions our President has mentioned a foreign force interfering in affairs of Uganda, it’s not that he just talks about it but he knows that it will take time for Rwanda to understand that Uganda has no bad intentions, we are not the enemy.

On many occasions, President Museveni has asked concerned Ugandans to stay calm and ignore provocations from Rwanda. I have personally taken a back seat to the extent that some people have come to think Kagame gave me money. There is nothing terrible as eating Kagame’s blood money; he doesn’t believe in justice, he doesn’t believe in diplomacy and doesn’t care about the life of others. Taking money from him for whatever reason is as bad as killing a person.

The attack of General Katuma Wamala was supervised by a foreign force, someone capable of carrying out such a smooth operation that can not be a common Ugandan.

This was a group that doesn’t care about life (RPF), they knew the Gerenal wasn’t traveling alone, the assassins didn’t aim at the General in particular but all the occupants of the car, meaning the motive was not to kill one target but to also send out a message. Typical Kagame kill style.

In the past three years, CMI, ISO, SFC, CRIME Intelligence, and the military police flashed out all criminals with the capacity to attack such a high-profile military leader. Crime in Uganda had become verbal or politically motivated.

Uganda made positive diplomatic gains with Congo, it’s our right as a nation to make these gains to create opportunities for citizens of both countries. This friendship doesn’t go well with kagame’s plans, there is evidence that Congo has been used to attack Uganda, your guess is the same as mine rwanda is heavily training groups to attack Uganda in Congo.

Today we got news of a group of Ugandans deported from Rwanda, don’t get me wrong. Rwanda has all the right to deport any person they find a threat, what surprises me is that when Uganda did the same deporting Rwandese certified criminals. Kagame was making noise all over as if CMI had stolen his old Nokia phone.

Today Rwanda announces that Rwanda air will not fly to Entebbe, the used Covid 19 as the reason for termination of flights. What Kagame was doing was to lead the way, show the world that our situation is worse than any other country in the world. What a shame?
In response Uganda should stop all connection flights through Kigali, and ban Rwanda air from ever stepping foot in Entebbe then we see how they will not feel the pressure.

Throughout the Election Process President Kagame made it his work to sponsor everyone with the intention to distablise Uganda. Kagame funded all international campaigns against Uganda, he had sponsored all the blackmail which his organization Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition (TASSC). This organization is heavily funded by DMI in the USA, it employees a group of white kagame apologists who table reports authored by Kigali to blackmail Uganda.

There is intelligence information that a one Cyubahiro Paul funded by Rwanda is recruiting people in Uganda to participate in subversive activity. You are risking by joining this rebellion funded by a man who has no respect to human life.
Uganda will not keep quiet as you demonize our President internationally. We know all your schemes, all of them but our President chooses to stay diplomatic.

By Seruga Titus

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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