Frank Gashumba a convict as per 2011 verdict, is attacking the Judiciary!

By Seruga Titus

We all need justice for our loved ones but it shouldn’t come at the cost of destroying of justice system. Frank Gashumba until today has more fraud cases in courts of law both in Uganda and outside, than any ordinary person. He is one of the beneficiaries of the bail process and a convict who has no moral standing at all. It’s alleged that his cases have not been concluded simply because he has interfered with investigations.

I was so touched by Gashumba’s attacks on the justice system yet the case is being handled by the same courts. In a case like that evidence takes the day, this evidence is provided to the honourable courts and only a judge with knowledge and mandate can take a decision. Setting up trail of such a matter on social media only destroys the case and obstructs justice on both sides.

Frank should be aware of his own fate and know that if he continues to behave in such a manner that prejudice the case, the same court are going to revisit his bail. Let us respect the courts, putting serious case in the media with half facts is very dangerous to the justice system of Uganda.
Am going to enjoy sharing with readers some of the very dangerous crimes where Mr Gashumba is involved of course with criminal references.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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