Portia Karegeya: “Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda is the person who sought after, orchestrated and ordered the murder of my father.”

Interview with Portia Karegeya on the death of her father Patrick Karegeya

By: Jennifer Fierberg


In the wake of extreme tragedy is one rarely able to articulate their emotions let alone answer questions about the loss that has torn through their family. Patrick Karegeya, former head spy chief for President Paul Kagame and founding member of the Rwandan opposition group the Rwanda National Congress was found strangled in a hotel room in South Africa on New Year’s Day 2014. A tie back from the hotel curtains and a bloody towel were found in the hotel safe. His murder remains under investigation by the South African police and the family states that the police are making strides in solving the case. It is a complicated manner because Karegeya’s close friend and political comrade also faced a similar situation but survived the attempt on his life and his case remains before the court. FULL STORY



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Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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