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A country can’t have political uncertainty and expect economic growth; unless that Country is Rwanda were they have a magic tree for cash.

Investors totally and totally can’t invest in a climate of political uncertainty. During this year’s budget presentation, Rwanda’s finance minister – Claver GATETE cameout to dupe and con the public that the last financial year witnessed again/increase of foreign investors in Rwanda, as usual he came short of telling us witch sector(s) are these investors pouring- investing in. While for 2016, the rest of the region where registering an average GPD growth of around 4%, as usual, the masters of doctoring in Kigali came out to tell the world that the Country’s GDP for 2016 was at around 5.9 – 6.2%.

*Realy, what has been sustaining or bringing this kind of economic growth for the last 20 years? Remembering that for the last 20 years, the country has witnessed GDP growth averaging 7.5% to 8%.

With time, this economic lies have come back to bite the dictator. In reality the economy is crumbling, he has over borrowed and the list of debt serving agencies are on the increase.

The credit rating agencies have marked the police state as lower. This implies that borrowing result in higher borrowing costs because the borrower in this case Rwanda, is deemed to carry a higher risk of default, the country is always defaulting on its payments.

Ladies and gentlemen, lets continue watching criminal Paul Kagame’s fictional economic growth, learn the art of data doctoring and the science of presenting delusional concepts.

By Rpf Gakwerere

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