In spite of what most think about activism, there is a lot of spiritual fullfilment that comes with it. In spite of all the haters you may see going off and making threats, lots of people appreciate it. There is great joy in making a difference in people’s lives for the better. Plenty of people also appreciate it. It is a privilege.
Many who appreciate it are not shy to show it. There are all kinds of ways in which people chose to share their appreciation. There are so many that it is not possible to acknowedge everyone personally. But every once in a while, I am moved to share because of how it comes about. At this current time, I have 2 acknowledgment but will only do 1 today.
I am grateful for my ride or die fellow activists who make it all work and come together. I am grateful for the mentors and partners as well as those before us who paved the way. I am grateful for those who have committed to allowing us/me to use their platforms on a recurring basis or as needed. I am grateful to many of you (countless) who have stepped up and volunteered in big and small ways. I am to thos who give their time, belongings, facilities, money, tools, etc… I am grateful to those who hear the stories and share them with their circles. I am grateful for many of you who have shown support publicly by showing up at events or showing public support on social media.
On this journey, I have met lots of special people and dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. I can’t remember all of the faces or names of the people I have met. But many of you reading this that I have met, I most likely remember you but might need a reminder (I realize some were long ago and may have changed or grown some more since). Thank you for being part of the journey.
I have heard directly from people who come from more than 80 countries, from every continent except for Antarctica. Many of you are not directly affected by the issues I work on even if those issues happen to be on the continent you come from. Sometimes I hear from those who are affected and that’s also on every continent but certainly not 80 countries. Thank you al. Many people see the work or hear the story and look me up on social media and send your messages. I also thank yall.
Thank you all for your letters, capes, packages when I visit your institutions or events, cards, etc… But today as I said earlier, i want to single out Stephen Olugboye all the way out of Nigeria who out of appreciation for the work sent me a special package of handmade Nigerian shoes. It is one of the most unique gifts I have received in appreciation for this work. It is up there with a unique plaque I received from Lynn B-g of Nashville Amnesty International or the traditional Native American honor presented to me by Becky Black.