Abiy Ahmed deserved to win the 2019 Nobel Peace Price and not Paul Kagame. This is why?

The 2019 Nobel Peace Price Awarded to Ethiopia’s Prime Minister: A sharp contrast between Ethiopia and Rwanda.

General Paul Kagame waged war on Rwanda’s innocent people since October of 1990. Many died, millions were internally displaced. Most mainstream stories about Rwanda paint the wrong and deceiving picture of Kagame as those stories typically begin with a recitation of the Wikipedia account of the 1994 genocide. These are stories stuck in the heads of Kagame’s kids (well they are only kids) and the likes, and are the guiding light for Kagame propagandists overall.

Here’s an undeniable fact: There was no Genocide in 1990 when Kagame started wrecking havoc with a tragic war in northern Rwanda, a war that went in for the long 4 years. In fact there would have been no Rwanda genocide should Kagame not have invaded such a peaceful country in 1990. We would not be talking about Rwanda genocide today. General Kagame did not stop the genocide. He started it and egged it on. Since seizing power he’s been cooking the books to push the Rwandan economic miracle myth that David Himbara debunked in his book “Kagame’s Economic Mirage.”

While Kagame spent his first 4 years of fame shooting, trapping mines, throwing bombs and grenades killing innocent people, Ethiopia’s Prime minister is spending his 1st year delivering on his youthful dream to reconcile Ethiopia and Eritrea, and to continue building (not destroying a thing) the economy of his lovely country.

Kagame is a warmonger who murdered millions in DRC even long after the genocide, Kagame’s targeted and extrajudicial killings (and kidnappings) continue to this day even beyond the borders of Rwanda. These killings do appear in the news almost on a daily basis if you follow Rwanda news closely.

The Nobel Price committee gets the difference the two men. Only Ange Kagame does not.

By Bosco Mutarambirwa

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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