After arrest in France of Felicien Kabuga, survivor Theodora Umurorwa tells her story.

Survivor reacts to arrest of key figure in Rwandan genocide. I like this genocide survivor where saying “it was said” Let me be the devil’s lawyer, , what if all this about this gentleman was just hearsay; let’s wait for the trial of course because I recall that this gentleman was a businessman and providing machetes was one of his activities, besides the machete was and is still a household tool which is found in almost all Rwandan families until today.

We as ordinary people interpret this arrest by our perceptions, emotions and our judgments without enough perspective or lucidity and moreover it is seen in most of our posts. It is no secret to anyone that the family of this gentleman back to 2000s was approached by the Rwandan regime through Colonel Karegeya at the time head of the Rwanda intelligence service to see how to solve their problems, they even invited two family members who went there for the negotiations, unfortunately these negotiations were unsuccessful …

My question is this how a government that chasing genocide planners was interested in negotiating with one of the big financiers and planners? These things are beyond us ordinary people, it’s good that the trial is taking place and we might see more clearly.

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