At least the Rwandan dictatorship is no longer hiding behind Belgian associations and is showing its true colors. Will the Belgian parliament allow itself to be guided once again in its conduct?

At least the Rwandan dictatorship is no longer hiding behind Belgian associations and is showing its true colors. Will the Belgian parliament allow itself to be guided once again in its conduct?

By Mbonyumutwa Ruhumuza

While the Rwandan parliament has been in lethargy since taking office, being silent on major issues affecting the Rwandan population such as :

– Police blunders: even today (August 10, 2020) a man was shot by the police “trying to escape”. Less than a week ago, Flavien Ngaboyamahina, a survivor of the genocide against the tutsis who was about to turn 30 years old ‪on August 12‬, died after being beaten by a policeman who accused him of still being in the street ‪at 9:17 p.m.‬ while a curfew aimed at countering COVID forced every inhabitant to go home by 9pm .

And this at a time when the controversy over David Mbuyi (Isaac Mbula), a young Congolese citizen shot dead by the police at the end of July 2020, was still raging;

-The hunger that has affected many homes as a result of the containment measures;

-The very tense relations with neighbouring countries (notably Burundi and Uganda);

-Violence against women, especially those committed by the security forces (Bannyahe, or those attributed to the local security forces).

-The destruction of the homes of the poorest

-Military incursions into the country claimed by or attributed to armed groups hostile to the Government

– Imprisonment of journalists (a round-up of nearly a dozen journalists took place in April 2020; some have since been released but others are still in prison).

– Or the silence of the parliament on a fundamental reform of education (the overnight decree that English will henceforth replace Kinyarwanda as the language of instruction in primary school);

The Rwandan parliament has just emerged from its lethargy to issue a communiqué on the subject that seems to be of most concern to it at the moment; Laure Uwase and Jambo ASBL

At least the Rwandan dictatorship is no longer hiding behind Belgian associations and is showing its true colors. Will the Belgian parliament allow itself to be guided once again in its conduct?

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