Opposition candidate for life Rtd Col Dr Kizza Besigye on Monday failed to implement the first resolution of his meeting with Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame in New York last month.

It should be remembered that in November Besigye held a secret meeting with Rwandan ruler Paul Kagame in New York City – the United States of America.

According to a reliable source, the highly secretive and treacherous meeting in New York with the Rwandan dictator who was the US capital for UN General Assembly meeting, was a follow up of several other meetings in various European locations and part of a grand plan by Kagame to overthrow President Museveni and extend his imperialistic iron fist bloody hand to Uganda.

Kagame is trying to develop a relationship with Besigye to destabilize Uganda by forging a strong political and military strategy that will see Museveni uprooted.

Their meeting in New York was also to agree on that plan that will also include extending financial support Besigye who is expected to stand again 2021 elections.

It is reported that after the meeting, Kagame handed to Besigye undisclosed amount of cash which he deposited on one of his international bank accounts in London.

It is reported that Besigye and Kagame agreed on pushing for assassinations, kidnaps and supporting civil disobedience activities to make Uganda ungovernable.

The two also agreed to cause breaking of Uganda’s socio-economic and political nerve centre and paint it as a failed state and a cripple tourism destination.

Following the meeting, Besigye summoned his FDC/opposition henchmen to his private office along Katonga road and declared a war against Uganda government dubbed *Twelwaneko* which calls upon Ugandans to rise up against the legitimate government.

He also subsequently summoned an FDC conference at Namboole stadium which its details were kept a top secret from party members.

Despite police advice to choose an alternative venue, Besigye and a few members of his group under his armpits defied police orders and attempted to force their way into the stadium.

Besigye with hopes of attracting masses to join him in the busy Kireka town to start a revolution as agreed with Kagame, defied Police orders and parked his vehicle in the middle of the road, blocking and inconveniencing other road users.

Ugandans however refused to buy his dirty politics and shunned him. His car was towed away and he was taken to Naggalama Police Station.

COMMENTARY: *Besigye declared war on the state of Uganda and it will use all resources at its disposal to protect its self. If he is convinced that this is just war, let him count every encounter with security forces a success rather than condemning them*.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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