Both Ingabire Victoire and Diane Rwigara have chosen the path of truth and freedom at the cost of their liberty.

By Bosco Mutarambirwa



I am curious about how many among you Rwandan students have seen this educational video:


Does it remind you of:
a) Diane Rwigara?
b) Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza?




Diane and Victoire may have said things that you and I did not like – but guess what? They are human beings, they can misspeak. They may get emotional when they think of their loved ones that were murdered by Paul Kagame’s squads in cold blood – not during wartime – but during peacetime. Unthinkable cruelty committed by one who pretends to be the liberator. Whatever the case may be, don’t let this distract you from seeing the big picture. Diane and Victoire love their dads, just like you and I love ours. Advise them if you can, correct them when they are wrong. Help them up when they fall. But don’t you let anything take away their well deserved credit. Like Rosa Parks, Diane Rwigara and Victoire Ingabire have had the courage to speak out for the voiceless.


Both Ingabire Victoire and Diane Rwigara have chosen the path of truth and freedom at the cost of their liberty. Unlike their counterpart so called women MPs (over 50% of representative) representing PK’s interest and not their constituencies.


Diane and Victoire deserve our encouragement for her acts of bravery. They deserve our support. But most of all, we need to be inspired by them. We need to join their struggle. We need to make THEIR fight OUR fight.
For those interested in the extended non-cartoon version, watch it here:



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