Rwanda’s special forces led by Brig Gen Innocent Kabandana are decimating Southern Kivu – DR Congo. All Rwandans know the ruthlessness of Innocent Kabandana since his days as Intelligent Officer (I.O) of 157 mobile force of the then Lt Col Fred Ibingira.

For nearly three years, Southern Kivu has been a war theatre between Rwanda’s special forces and their proxies of Red Tabara, FNL Nzabampema and FOREBU against Burundi’s special forces.

In July 2018, the protracted war took another twist with Rwanda’s special forces attacking Banyamulenge villages in High Plateaux region of Minembwe accusing them of supporting Burundi’s special forces and an imaginary rebel group led by Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa.

Rwanda’s special forces units with support of Rwanda’s created Mai Mai groups, Burundian Red Tabara rebels, Burundian FOREBU rebels and Burundian FNL Nzabampema rebes are all attacking Gumino, a Banyamulenge local defence unit which was set to protect Banyamulenge communities against various Mai Mai groups in the region. Kigali is accusing Banyamulenge in the region of supporting Burundi’s special forces and an imaginary rebel group of Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa.

Slowly, Southern Kivu’s war theatre will soon spread to other parts of the region especially Burundi. For over three years, criminal Paul Kagame has been trying to secure Southern Kivu as rear base for Kigali’s supported Burundian rebel groups. But, Burundi’s military strategists haven’t allowed that to happen, opting to infiltrate into Southern Kivu to battle out anti government rebel groups who are supported by Rwanda’s special forces.

Since Kigali’s failed coup d’etat in Burundi, 2015; the SATANIC SYSTEM in Kigali has been recruiting, arming and organising numerous Burundian rebel groups. However, the enormous support given to Burundi’s rebel groups by criminal Paul Kagame, Kigali and its Burundian proxies have failed to overthrow the Nkirunziza regime or cause havoc in Burundi.

Since the beginning of this year, 2019, Brig Gen Innocent Kabandana is causing havoc in Southern Kivu with scorched-earth military operation policy to destroy Banyamulenge communities and Hutu refugees who are settled in Southern Kivu. Cross human rights atrocities are daily being committed in Southern Kivu.

By Gakwerere


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