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Burundi Military Kills 14 Rwandan Armed Red Tabara Rebels


Burundi Military forces yesterday announced that they had killed at least 14 Red Tabara rebels operating in the neigbouring Democratic Republic of Congo who had attacked the country.

Ministry of public security and police spokesperson Pierre Nkurukiye says the rebels had attacked Musigati village from DR Congo forests.

Nkurukiye adds that 14 of the attackers were killed and 11 riffles with ammunition were seized from the side of this group.

Security forces were alerted by residents who had seen a group of around 18 armed criminals from DR Congo in Kayange village in Musigati district.

The attackers were reported in Mpanda, Gihanga and Mitakataka villages before returning to Kibira National Park via the Musigati area.

The rebels maintain rear bases in DR Congo’s South Kivu area.

The Burundi rebel group, RED-Tabara – which is based in the east of DR Congo is headed by one of Burundi’s most wanted rebel leaders Alexis Sinduhije.

Red Tabara is a Rwandan trained and logistically supported rebel group and has been of late fighting alongside Rwanda’s Special Forces and Mai Mai rebels to commit human right atrocities against Banyamulenge in South Kivu, in DR Congo.

It is alleged that Kigali wants to create a buffer zone in DR Congo for Red Tabara in the fight against President Peter Nkirunziza’s government.

Alexis Sinduhije is reported to be a close friend to Rwanda’s members of the first family and very close to a one Albert Rudatsimburwa.

Sinduhije is believed to be traveling on Rwanda documents after being blocked by Bujumbura.

Alexis Sinduhije was blacklisted by the USA on human rights related charges committed in the region.

Since the end of 2018, Rwanda Defence Forces has changed its operation tactics in DR Congo. They are now embedded within Mayi Mayi in South Kivu areas of Uvira and Fizi and causing Human rights atrocities against Banyamulenge.

Members of the Banyamulnge say for nearly four months, there has been a scorched earth policy against them by Rwanda’s Special Forces and Mayi Mayi elements who were trained in Rwanda’s Gako Training Wing.

Human Rights Watch in its report writes that the Rwandan Patriotic Army has carried out massive killings of civilian banyamulenge refugees and other violations of basic principles of international humanitarian law.

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