Burundi needs to fight back against Kagame’s lies by proving that Lake Rweru bodies came from Rwanda

Alleged Lake Rweru bodies are responsibility of Burundi


Police CID chief ACP Theos Badege and police spokesmen ACP Damas Gatare at the media briefing on Thursday

Police CID chief ACP Theos Badege and police spokesmen ACP Damas Gatare at the media briefing on Thursday


Rwanda says investigations to establish concrete facts about the dozens of human bodies which have allegedly surfaced on Lake Rweru on the common border are the sole responsibility of Burundi. ACP Theos Badege, head of Rwanda’s police CID told a press conference in Kigali on Thursday that Rwanda will support Burundi if it asks for help to probe the case. “Burundi has the obligation to conduct investigations, besides, considering the bilateral cooperation we maintain, if they ask for support we will respond positively,” Badege said.


For the past month, corpses – some in plastic bags have appeared on Lake Rweru shared between the two countries but its largest section is in Burundi. Only a small portion of the lake is in Rwanda. According to reports from the region, the bodies have only been seen by people on the Burundian side of the lake. In Rwanda, local communities say they have only been hearing about the news of the bodies from the media.


Badege said: “I urge the media to be patient to allow Burundi to complete their investigation, or if there is a joint probe of the two countries, the findings will be shared with the media.” Badege dismissed accusations by foreign rights groups that the two countries had not shown any concern to investigate the issue. In Rwanda, there have not been any alarms from the public of missing people.


Meanwhile, at the same press conference, police also paraded two men alleged to have been behind death of Transparency International employee Gustave Makonene in July last year. The men are police officers Nelson Iyakaremye and Ndabarinze Isaac. Police has submitted their dossiers to prosecution and will soon appear in court.


Source: http://www.newsofrwanda.com/featured1/24906/alleged-lake-rweru-bodies-are-responsibility-of-burundi/

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