Cabinet reshuffle reignites succession debate.

The East African

President Paul Kagame made major changes in his government last week,
once again plunging Rwanda into a political guessing game as to
whether he will step down in 2017 when his official presidential term

In a major reshuffle, Dr Pierre Damien Habumuremyi, whose appointment
as prime minister back in October 2011 surprised many given his
limited political record, was dropped and replaced with Anastase
Murekezi formerly the minister for labour who is a senior member of
the Social Democratic Party (PSD).

While Mr Murekezi’s appointment is largely seen as a political
balancing act, the appointment of Francis Kaboneka, a youthful Member
of Parliament representing the ruling Rwanda Patriotic Front, to the
key position of Minister for Local Government has sent signals that
the president is seeking fresh blood either to take over in 2017 or to
rally support for his third term.

Mr Kaboneka, a powerful RPF cadre who sits on its disciplinary
committee, replaces James Musoni, also a political heavyweight in the
RPF who was been appointed to head the Ministry of Infrastructure.

Having risen through the youth ranks of the ruling party, Mr
Kaboneka’s credentials as a mobiliser are not in question. Speculation
is rife that Mr Kaboneka’s immediate task will be to rally the youth
to continue to support the RPF agenda.

But according to Senator Tito Rutaremara, a senior member of the RPF,
the appointment of young people to key positions is proof that the
ruling party is nurturing young people to take over from where the
founders and current leaders stop.

“It gives us pride to see that someone like Mr Kaboneka came up
through the ranks of the party as a youth and was sent to parliament
and he continued to perform. The president noticed him and rewarded
him with a ministerial post. It shows that RPF is nurturing young
people and there are many more who like Kaboneka are working their way
up,” he said.

But still others see the reshuffle by President Kagame as a strategic
move to fast-track key projects and programmes ahead of 2017, which
are vital to reinforcing his legacy.

Despite the president’s considerable personal popularity across the
country, observers fear that failure to manage a peaceful transition
of power by President Kagame could threaten the economic and social
stability achieved by the RPF government.

Omar Khalifan, a lecturer at University of Rwanda and a political
analyst, said the changes are a move by the president to drive

“President Kagame is known as a leader who demands results. His
government evaluates itself and if there are areas identified where
progress is slow or stalling, changes are introduced immediately,
which could be the motivation behind the reshuffle,” the Don says.

He also argues that bringing in young blood that is competent is good
for governance.

By moving Mr Musoni to Infrastructure, analysts say President Kagame
aims at stabilising and “making things work” in a ministry that has
been falling short on delivering on vital energy and infrastructure
projects. Mr Musoni has previously served as minister for finance too.

“Mr Musoni is the one who gets things done wherever he goes, from
finance and planning to local government, his assignments have been
clearly defined. President Kagame now thinks that it is now time to
make things work in Infrastructure,” a source in government privy to
the matters said.

Mr Musoni replaces Prof Silas Lwakabamba, who has been moved to yet
another unstable docket, the Ministry of Education. The academic has
been under pressure to deliver on key energy and infrastructure
projects as well as addressing the country’s housing shortage.

He resigned back in 2011 due to a public backlash after photos of him
in the company of young girls emerged online.

But Mr Habineza has remained popular and is widely seen as a hard
worker whose immediate tasks will include ensuring that Rwanda
successfully hosts the Africa Nations Championships (Chan) in 2016.

However, for Dr David Himbara, a former member of the current
government currently in exile, the changes in the Cabinet did not mean
much as, according to him, President Kagame controls almost every
aspect of the government. He describes the new prime minister as a
“yes man” who cannot say no to any decision made from above.

“Kagame exercises near-total power in every branch of government.

Checks and balances through the judicial system and legislative branch
are a myth,” said Dr Himbara, describing the Rwandan head of state as
a CEO.

Dr Himbara, who until 2010 was President Kagame’s principal private
secretary, said the instability in vital ministries such as
Infrastructure and Education is something to worry about as appointees
who are quickly changed cannot bring about fundamental change.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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