We call upon President Paul Kagame and his criminal regime to resign immediately

By Theogene Rudasingwa


We call upon:

1) President Paul Kagame and his criminal regime to resign immediately since he has lost all legitimacy to govern;

2) The Rwandan people to reject fear and intimidation, remain calm, united, and be more determined to continue the just and legitimate struggle for freedom;

3) The international community to invoke “RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT”, the new international security and human rights norm to address the international community’s responsibility to prevent and stop genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity;

4) The international community to compel President Paul Kagame and his agents of terror to account for the crimes they have committed before, during and after 1994; and,

5) The international community to support the Rwandan people who seek a new political dispensation characterised by truth, justice, the rule of law, genuine reconciliation and healing.


We would like to assure the Rwandan people that though the struggle for freedom, unity, democracy, justice and shared prosperity is long and difficult, ultimately, freedom will triumph over dictatorship, and pursuit of a better life for all over imposition of death.

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