Can Kagame tell us who owns Crystal Ventures that control Rwanda businesses?

Seruga Titus

Pilato is sending his usual messages to President Museveni, I find this diplomatically inappropriate. A leader knowledgeable enough about diplomatic relations cannot openly make such statements unless he is provoking war.

There is a theory that 90% of demonstrations in Kampala are funded by Kagame to show that Rwanda is better, Pilato believes the chaos in gives discomforts Museveni and there allows Pilato more time.

On merits of his comments that 1% controls resources of Uganda, that is not new practice is known worldwide that the rich are only 1% of the world’s population, bill Gates alone is worth many countries combin

So truth or false a leader cannot say what he said below if he claims to want peace around him in short his words can incite more violence which we have believed is his way of action and his alleged master plan for Uganda.

KIGALI – Rwanda President Paul Kagame has said a particular neighbouring country is facing increasing social unrest because its ruling government has exploited people for a long time.

Without giving a name, Mr Kagame said in that neighbouring country, 1% of the population controls 100% of the country’s resources, leaving others to suffer.

“Countries I mentioned with problems is because they never cared for the people. It’s that burden they are struggling with. They are paying accumulated debt… Those demonstrations you are seeing is about people saying ‘. Hmm you lied to us. From the beginning, we supported you, we followed you and afterwards you abandoned us and took all the country’s resources,’” Mr Kagame said

“In that neighboring country, 1% of the population controls 99% of the population politically. Then 1% controls 100% percent of the resources and the rest follow. The demonstrators you see are people demanding what is theirs. They are saying you cheated us. Those people are used like one would use a motorbike to reach your destination. Now people are saying we refuse to carry you on our backs. You take everything and leave nothing to us,” he added.

The Rwanda president was presiding over the closing ceremony of the 12th annual forum of Unity Club Intwararumuri, an association of current and former cabinet ministers and their spouses, in Kigali last week.

It is not immediately clear what country he was referring to. However, given the past diplomatic standoffs between Uganda and Rwanda, it is believed that Mr Kagame was referring to the former.

Currently, Uganda is struggling to suppress a protest at Makerere University, which was prompted by the 15% tuition fees increment policy.

At the 12th annual forum of Unity Club, Mr Kagame also cautioned those who attempt to destablise Rwanda, saying no one can impose their own way of doing things on Rwandans.

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