The political platform composed of political organisations Amahoro PC, FDU – Inkingi, PDP – Imanzi, PS – Imberakuri and the Rwanda National Congress – RNC, strongly condemns in the strongest terms possible extra judicial killings of citizens in Rwanda, which has escalated in the western province of Rwanda during the months of November and December 2016.
As an illustration, we would like point out some cases that have been reported so far to us. The following are the names addresses of people who have been murdered by people believed to be government agents.
Mahera: Ngoma Sector, Nyabirasi cell, Rutsiro district, western province was killed on November 21, 2016
Musonera Samson 22 years old and Bizabarimana Jean Claude 24 years old of Nyamuremure village, Kigombe sector, Muhoza cell, Musanze district, western province, were killed on December 7, 2016. They were picked from their homes by plain clothed armed men, who handcuffed them at the time of arrest. The assailants were led by the village executive secretary Mr Gahutu Antoine who is also RPF party leader in the village. They were knifed to death.
Rukundo son of Mr Hitimana and Mrs Nyirampuguje of Cyeza village, Munanira sector, Nyamyumba cell, Rubavu district Western Province. He was shot dead by soldiers on December 6, 2016 under suspicion that he steals cows.
Nshimiyimana Innocent son of Mr Buhinja Simon and Mrs Nyirankundimana Gaudence of Rebero village Munanira sector Nyamyumba cell Rubavu district, Western province. He was shot on December 1, 2016. He was shot by a soldier on suspicion of stealing a bunch of bananas.
Nzabonimana Jean Claude of Ngoma district was killed on December 5, 2016. He was shot by police on suspicion of having stolen a computer. The news was reported by “Imirasire newspaper” ( The newspaper was later pressured to block the article.
These are only a few examples that we have been able to collect but have been getting alarm bells from different parts of the country reporting similar excesses by security agents. It is quite shocking that while the prices of all items in Rwanda are rising, human life is losing value. The rule of law has flown out of the window.
The opposition political platform cannot accept any reason to justify extra-judicial killings especially in a country that boasts of applying the rule of law. Condoning the behaviour of security or/and administrative services to take the law into their own hands is tantamount to complicity in criminal activities and should be condemned by the government in order to be taken seriously. Even if the allegations were founded, the suspects should be brought before the courts of laws which, alone, can prove their innocence or guilt and determine their sentence if found guilty.
The Political opposition calls on the RPF government to take necessary measures to stop these criminal activities and to carry out thorough investigations in order to find out the people responsible for these murders and bring them to face justice.
Brussels, December 12, 2016.
Jean-Damascène Munyampeta
Chair Platform