By: Rpf Gakwerere

DMI and Rwanda’s embassy in Uganda are quietly planning “Banyarwanda day in Uganda.” This project is being planned with the help of pro Kagame politicians, minions and goons in Uganda. Potato enclave’s (Rwanda) embassy in Kampala has always been the centre of criminal Paul Kagame’s terrorism in Uganda.

Currently, there is approximately 9 million Banyarwanda in Uganda without adding those born from both parents – inter marriages (Banyarwanda and other tribes). According to DMI figures, they put the number of intermarriage offspring to over three millions, especially those from 30 years and below.

As 2021 elections approaches in Uganda, criminal Paul Kagame’s DMI is deeply planning how to influence elections in Uganda with this block. According to DMI, this block hasn’t been supporting their directives; since the 2001 elections, where the satanic regime in Kigali supported the FDC and its presidential aspirant – Col Kiiza Besigye, to recent elections of 2016.

Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi – DMI chief and Assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza who currently heads Uganda desk are drawing up a master plan of undermining NRM during the 2021 elections, starting by interfering with NRM primaries. They are currently identifying MP candidates that the potato enclave (Rwanda) will clandestinely support especially with financial logistics.

In this master plan that is being put together, the team is targeting to use all aspects of information to depict President Museveni and NRM with negative headlines in order to undermine any NRM win.

After finishing to draw this evil master plan, and the evil plan being approved by criminal Paul Kagame; notorious assassin Brigadier Dan Munyuza will set up a task force under him, and supported by Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi to run this operation on 24/7.

In November of last year, 2019, assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza appointed a Mufumbi DMI operative to start drawing plans for Kigezi and Bufumbira/Kisoro. This will be a topic for next time.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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