Current senior cadres of RPF are looking to a day when Kagame will crash one of his trusted pet, Gen James Kabarebe.


This past Saturday, 28 September 19, it was a big day within Gen Karenzi Karake’s family. It was a day when Gen Karenzi Karakire’s son married. On this day, former and current senior military officers, former and current senior RPF cadres were invited for this occasion.

Obviously, in such occasions, criminal Paul Kagame’s DMI operatives are also present to listen and observe on what they will tell the ruler once he returns from his endless foreign trips.

Apart from criminal Paul Kagame and his estranged wife who were in USA during this function, the most notable absentee was treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake didn’t invite or wanted to see the face of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. Within Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karakire’s family, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe is Adui (enemy); they blame treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe for the current sidelining of Gen Karenzi Karake.

In August 2018, Gen Karenzi Karake was arrested and incarcerated in Kibagabaga safe house after false information to criminal Paul Kagame by treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe. In this fake intelligence information, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe told his paranoid boss that Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake is a double agent who leaks sensitive information to Uganda’s CMI and the French Foreign Intelligence agency, The General Directorate for External Security.

When criminal Paul Kagame received this fake info, he immediately ordered the arrest of Gen Karenzi Karake, and the dictactor personally took the responsibility of investigating this intelligence information. And in August 2018, Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake and his driver were roughly arrested by corporals from the presidential guard.

Throughout August and early September 2018, Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake went through stress positioning physical torture and nudity psychological torture. While he was going through intensive interrogation, his bank accounts were being investigated, looking at any trace of suspicious transactions. By November, 2018, an investigation which was personally led by criminal Paul Kagame didn’t find any evidence to support treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s cooked up lies, and he was released and put under house arrest with a close surveillance.

Despite criminal Paul Kagame finding that Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake wasn’t a double agent, he still didn’t trust him to continue on his role as presidential defence advisor; to criminal Paul Kagame, the concept of taking chances doesn’t exist. And after this incident, Gen Emmanuel Karenzi Karake marked treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe in his black book. Gen Karenzi Karake always tells those close to him, that “Kabarebe wanted Afande to slaughter me, fortunately I was lucky.”

On the 28 September 19 wedding, the topic between attendants was that of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s intrigues, of building a system within a system, of building networks parallel to state security apparatus, of massing wealth, the capacity to crash those he doesn’t want or like by referring them as criminal Paul Kagame’s enemies, his deep seated jealousy and how he has manipulated criminal Paul Kagame’s paranoia.

During this wedding the majority were fearful of seeing treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe occupying the presidency through the backdoor. One attendant noted, “you have to know James to understand the sheer capacity, cleverness, ambitions, treachery, evil-hearted, liar and dangerous the man is. I have been without a job or the rights of movement because of that man’s lies.”

This function was more of anti Gen James Kabarebe gathering than a wedding function. They talked on treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s role in incarceration of Brig Gen Frank Rusagara, Col Tom Byabagamba, Lt Rugigana Ngabo and Brig Gen Emmanuel Ndahiro. The talking points that were being discussed illustrates how former and current senior cadres of Rwanda Patriotic Front are looking to a day when criminal Paul Kagame will crash one of his trusted pet – treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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