By: Rpf Gakwerere
Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence assassinates on of their own. Radio Iteme has broadcasted the brutal assassination through poison of Darius Ndahiro who on 7th November 2020, in Boston, just few minutes after eating food at a Rwandan wedding function. And this wedding was of Kagamist minions, and all invited guests were Kagame regime serial supporters.
Darius Ndahiro is himself a National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) operative who was relocated 5 years in USA. Darius Ndahiro was relocated to USA by recommendation of the former NISS chief, ruthless Brig Gen Francis Mutiganda.
Within military intelligence, the elimination of their own is known as ‘cleaning operations.’ In this case, criminal Paul Kagame’s Directorate of Military Intelligence, now rebranded as Defence Intelligence eliminated their own, in a clean up operation.
Darius Ndahiro was a family friend to Rwanda’s embattled former prosecutor General, Jean Bosco Mutangana, and a close friend and brother-in-law to William Mugabo who was brutally assassinated 2nd September 2020.
N.B: Massage to abakonyine men and women who are still serving the satanic regime. Know the waters aren’t the same, know that your no longer the preferred choice by the Kagames, and know that real power has shifted to Burundi born men. You were used, you did all dirty jobs for criminal Paul Kagame, and now your usefulness in no longer required, and Kagame is cleverly and systematically dumping you, one by one, and those who know too much of his secrets are given a one way ticket to the graveyard. I hope you know your elder brother Lt Gen Ceasar Kayizare is bed ridden courtesy of poison by those he thoughts are brothers and comrades.
Bellow, you can listen what Radio Iteme is broadcasting about this callous assassination. The presentation is in Kinyarwanda language.