DICTATORS’ WIVES CLUB: Meet 16 Women Married To The World’s Biggest Despots

Jeannette Kagame, wife of Rwandan President Paul Kagame

Eduardo Munoz/Reuters

The first lady: Jeannette Kagame returned to her native Rwanda after the genocide of 1994 and has since championed issues related to women’s rights and children.


Her work as first lady has focused on ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic and improving the lives of its victims. Thanks to the collective efforts of Kagame and global leaders, new HIV infections have been cut in half and testing among young women has increased sixfold in the last decade.


Her husband: President Kagame is credited with leading Rwanda’s remarkable recovery from war and genocide, reducing corruption, expanding women’s rights, and jump-starting the economy; but his government has made these gains through tight restrictions on freedom of expression and association. In the most recent general election, authorities barred most opposing political parties from registering to vote, closed many independent newspapers, and were accused of killing journalists and exiled officials — efforts that helped Kagame garner a suspicious 93% of the vote. FULL STORY



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