Double tragedy: Burera teacher kills wife, commits suicide

A man identified as Ndori Jean Bosco Hagenimana, 35, a teacher at Groupe Scolaire Cyapa in Rwerere sector of Burera district is reported to have committed suicide by hanging after killing his wife Consolée Uzamukunda, 31.

It is said that the husband committed suicide yesterday after strangling his wife dead.

Burera district vice mayor for economic affairs, Joseph Munyaneza has told IGIHE that they learned about the bad news and rushed to their home where they found the man hanging on a rope with the wife’s body straddled on the bed.

He explained that the household had cases of domestic conflicts emanating from the husband’s huge debts used outside the family interests.

“The family had rampant disputes. Sector officials had summoned them twice to mend their relations. Precursors showed the man was positively changing. Investigations are underway to confirm if the woman was killed by her husband,” he said.

Munyaneza called on residents to prevent domestic conflicts to deter similar incidents.

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