Ethiopia: PM Abiy claims pending victory, but TPLF say it’s taking a ‘strategic retreat’

Let’s Catch up with Ethiopia National Defence Force’s counter insurgency gains against TPLF terror organisation.

1) Today, 8th December 2021, On central axis, referred as Dessie front, the terrorist group TPLF have been routed and cleared out of Hayk, Bistima, Basomile and Wuchalie towns.

On Tenta Front: Alem Amba, Mekdella, Gashmeda towns also liberated and cleared of TPLF in the mop up operations.

2) On 5th December 2021, ENDF and their of Amhara special forces and FANO local defence Force made extensive military gain in central axis.

Prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali who arrived on central Axis on 3rd December 2021, coordinated offensive operations that led troops to capture towns of Bati, Gerba, Kersa, Degan, Dessie and Kombolcha from the terrorist TPLF insurgents.

Remember, last – November, when ENDF was chased from Dessie town, TPLF propagandists and their western supporters referred it as a gateway to the capital.

At the moment, all three fronts have entered Tigray region. Today, 8th December 2021, Ethiopia National Defence Force has finished the 1st phase of its military operation. According to Ethiopia National Defence Force (ENDF), the first phase was to recapture territories outside Tigray region, the second phase is counter insurgency operations within Tigray region.

Ethiopia Ministry of Defence noted, “It is to be noted that a week ago up to 12 of TPLF’s senior ranking military personnel were taken out. On 7th December 2021, we hit a strong blow to the terrorist group that is in disarray. Great numbers of TPLF fighters are being apprehended with many also heeding the call to surrender.”

While withdrawing under fire from government forces, TPLF have destroyed, raped, killed, ransacked and looted throughout the path of their withdrawal. TPLF razed to the ground the Airport of the holy city of Axum. As they were routed from the hills of Lasta they ransacked and destroyed the Airport of the historic town of Lalibela.


About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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