Eugene Gasana Is Finished

Rwanda is officially a nation of spies. People are employed to spy in each village, street, and in each building complex. This is the case in Rwandan diaspora. The sole purpose of spying is to keep an eye on others in their ‘area’ and reporting them to President Paul Kagame if something appears to be amiss. The thoroughness with the regime pursues this mission is such that no-one wishes to cause offence.

Wise Rwandans in and outside the country keep their thoughts to themselves unless they wish to invite trouble. In this sense, Rwanda is a perfect example of a nation run on fear.

The only remaining problem for Kagame is loyalty within his narrow circle of trusted sycophants. The ranks within this grouping is shrinking, too.

  • A few weeks, health minister Agnes Binagwaho was dumped. She was one of the few long term sycophants that had managed to survive for a long time.

  • It is now the turn of Eugene Gasana, Rwandan ambassador to the UN. So trusted by Kagame that Gasana was even a cabinet minister for cooperation while living outside Rwanda. Don’t ask me how he conducted ministerial duties while living in New York!

Gasana is now dumped – recalled from ambassadorship! What has he done? No one knows for sure. Methinks, however, that Gasana forgot that in Kagame’s Rwanda you keep your thoughts to yourself or you are finished. In the recent past, we saw Gasana outspoken even challenging the Americans at the UN. More recently we saw Gasana debating in the media whether or not he is the real father of one of Kagame children. That debate may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Who is next? Watch out!

By David Himbara

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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