Four members of Rwanda’s reserved force personnel were captured during the fighting near Nyungwe forest.

By Gakwerere

The boys and girls of the National Liberation Front are standing well on the ground – frontline. For a month, it has been surveillance and establishing presence in Nyungwe National forest and the surroundings. From Sunday, they moved to stage two in guerrilla warfare. Attacking military posts in Muganza, Ruheru and Nyabimata; these are sectors surrounding Nyungwe National Forest.

On the night of the 15th/08/18, four members of criminal Paul Kagame’s reserved force personnel (ingeragutabara) were captured during the fighting. In few days to come, their photos will be shown to the world.

According to NLF/FLN commanders, the next stage in the military struggle will be to attack military positions during the day, in order to show the world how Kagame has been lying that their is no insurgency taking place in Rwanda. According to NLF/FLN commanders, “we are going to expose Kagame’s Public Relations lies, we shall start attacking enemy positions during day time.”

NLF/FLN spokesperson, major Sankara Callixte, recently told an online radio that ” We have built capacity, trained enough members, on daily basis we are getting new recruits and soon the attacks will be sporadic hitting different enemy positions. Then Kigali will stop denying of our presence and attacks. They can now gag the Rwandan press from reporting what is on the ground. But soon, operations will be conducted during day time.”

What I can tell oppressed and enslaved Rwandans, the waters aren’t still the same. Soon, Paul Kagame the hunter, will turn into Paul Kagame the hunted. That is if stress and depression hasn’t killed the skin man.

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