If you did not know him, Fred Mukasa Mbidde is former soldier in the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) and now a top country’s operative in Uganda under its dreaded Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI).

Fred Mukasa Mbidde with a borrowed kiganda name has direct contact to Paul Kagame and is a close friend to ailing Rwanda’s Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Dr Richard Sezibera who was poisoned during a dinner at Rwandan embassy in United Kingdom in July this year.
The two got to know each other at the East African assembly in Arusha Tanzania.

On October 05th 2019, Mbidde attended Rwanda day in Germany together with other Rwandans abroad as special guest to President Paul Kagame.

He sat on the same front seat with Rtd Twahirwa Dodo the proprietor of Trinity buses which ply Kampala –Kigali.

Twahirwa is also another notorious DMI operative in Kampala posing as businessman with his parking yard along Namirembe road acting as safe haven for Rwandan spies accused of kidnaping Rwandan refugees in Uganda.

Mbidde is reported to be running a network of other Rwandan spies in Uganda who track and kidnap any Rwandan dissident or Kigali regime critics back to Rwanda where they are jailed or killed.

His main source of income has always been intelligence operations thus unexplained accumulation of his wealth.

Mbidde was recently in the media using Democratic Party platform to call for the release of Rwandese who were recently arrested by security forces on charges of espionage, kidnap, murder, illegal stay among other cases.👇🏿

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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