Gabon: the mayor of Libreville arrested by the military intelligence services

The mayor of Libreville, Léandre Zué, has been in custody since Friday, September 11. He is being held in the premises of the General Directorate of Counter-interference and Military Security, better known under the name B2, the Gabonese intelligence services.

The noose had been tightening for several days on Léandre Zué, mayor of Libreville. Several officials of the town hall were summoned in small groups or individually in the premises of the “counter-interference” or B2. In the end, the mayor was no exception. On Friday he went to B2 for a matter concerning him. After a long hearing, he was taken into police custody.

The Librevillois have no official information on the situation of their mayor. Not even his family or his collaborators. ” He was kept in custody for the need for an investigation, ” said a judicial source. Léandre Zué, 63 years old and part of the ruling party, is being accused for embezzlement of public funds and mismanagement.

Next week, the man who has headed the city of Libreville for 19 months will be brought before the public prosecutor who could release him or place him under a committal warrant in the central prison.


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